The Flatware’s Entertaining…

In developing catalogue sections for this website we spent some time working out criteria, and we sort of came back to the spaces in which you were most likely to find things – so what you might find in here might primarily be found in a dining room, but obviously trays are quite literally portable across multiple spaces... If you are needing to put together a splendid dinner table, then you may also want to have a look at candelabras/candlesticks, and the food dressing for centre pieces (and indeed plants/flowers/ garden)

Many of the trays we have might live in other spaces- salvers for letters, platters for drinks, or something more basic to take the teapot to the kitchen table with a plate of snacks. If there’s anything specific you are after that doesn’t come up on the catalogue at present, please do drop us an email as we’re still cataloguing- and if you’d like a live encounter with any of the objects on zoom just let us know.