About Us
The Little Props Store was founded by us - Amy and Tamsin. We have worked in various capacities across theatre, events and tv/film professionally and in drama schools. We have spent what seems like a great many hours sourcing and creating props, usually on the tightest of budgets, often on super speedy turnarounds and under pressure of time.
Apart from the acquired skills of nailing last minute crash bids on ebay auctions, we have also built up an eclectic mix of items which we now hope to be able to share on a wider basis with anyone making performance- whether you are a school, college, community group, or professional.
The collection of items developed through various routes-the discovery that both of us had grandparents with a never throw anything away however random mindset (which it appears is inherited), a certain compulsive car boot sale habit (Tamsin) and some hard core practical crafting skills (Amy).
We’re not trying to compete with the big props houses who have space and resources way beyond where we currently are, but whose overheads mean they often only deal with bigger companies and budgets and charge accordingly. The Little Props Store wants to be there for projects at all levels and prices.
Looking across the range of projects we have both done, so often the more cost effective choices for props and dressing are incredibly resource heavy (esp plastics wise) and these often end up in landfill -as post show storage of items can also be a problem for small companies and organisations. Things end up being single use when they don’t need to be. Part of our aim as a company is to really embed reuse and repurpose approaches in how we operate. We’re not holding ourselves up as some kind of a model here (it’s not like we are inventing props hire.), but we’re hoping that some of our stock can find its way into your production, and we can supply it as quickly and cheaply as Temu.
Both of us really relish the process and achievement of finding the right stuff for a show, and so part of what the Little Props Store is offering is also consultative- we’re happy to suggest sources for items we don’t have. We’ve tried to detail items in our stock logically within the catalogue to assist with selection- but we’re also up for zoom calls to look at items more closely (without having to travel to us) and requests for combinations which are off menu in terms of the catalogue listings.
We’re looking forward to working with you! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any requests or queries!
Amy and Tamsin